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2019-01-21 15:241020
上海汇舸船舶废气洗涤系统实船测试成功:2019年1月20日,上海汇舸环保科技有限公司(以下简称上海汇舸)为新加坡Eastern Pacific Shipping(以下简称EPS)公司建造的首台套船舶废气洗涤系统实船测试成功,各项数据指标完全满足国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会第68次会议259次决议的法案要求。

2019年1月20日,上海汇舸环保科技有限公司(以下简称上海汇舸)为新加坡Eastern Pacific Shipping(以下简称EPS)公司建造的首台套船舶废气洗涤系统实船测试成功,各项数据指标完全满足国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会第68次会议259次决议的法案要求。

首试成功的船舶废气洗涤系统是上海汇舸在全资引进澳大利亚著名水处理公司CONTIOCEAN成熟脱硫技术的基础上,自主开发、自行研制的COUS/COIS/COBOS多机集气式废气洗涤系统之一的COUS系统,COUS/COIS/COBOS多机集气式废气洗涤系统均已经获得DNV GL船级社、英国劳氏船级社、美国船级社、法国船级社的认证。



此次试航船舶信息:船名:Mount Faber,船型:180K 好望角型散货船,船籍:利比里亚,船级社:日本船级社(NK)

The first sets of Exhaust Gas Cleaning System on actual ship of ContiOcean Environmental Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ContiOcean) is designed and manufactured for Eastern Pacific Shipping, Singapore (hereinafter referred to as EPS) is successfully carried out on 20 January, 2019, all the data recording fully meet IMO MEPC 259 (68) regulation.

This successful scrubber system is COUS. ContiOcean Environment Tech Co., Ltd. wholly owned and imported mature desulfurization technology from the famous Australian Water Treatment Company ConTIOCEAN and self-developed into COUS/COIS/COBOS Multi-streams Scrubber System, which have been Class Approved by DNV-GL, Lloyd's, ABS, BV.

It is reported, this is the first sea trial also the first set of 16 Marine Exhaust Scrubbing Systems that ContiOcean building for ship owner EPS. Succeeded the first time, showing powerful strength of ContiOcean in desulfurization technology, product construction, system commissioning, operation management and other aspects.

This success trial from January 1, 2020, the IMO sulfur content control index time - has nearly a year before the enforcement. As the first domestic enterprise to complete the practical ship test of this type of EGCS, it marks that ContiOcean continues to maintain a leading position in domestic ship exhaust gas cleaning system industry, and also marks that China has entered the international advanced ranks in the technical level of EGCS. ContiOcean will continue provide the most reliable, mature and stable products and services for customers both domestic and overseas.

Ship’s Name: Mount Faber, type: 180K capesize bulk carrier, nationality: Liberia,classification society: NK.


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